Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's a new dawn .....

If I'd written this post yesterday it might have started off with something like "moving house is a shitty, shitty, thankless job", as I burrowed into boxes full of half used post-it pads, paper clips, empty CD cases, fluff, old glue sticks and lego pieces and vainly tried to find a home in my new home for all the stuff that used to have a home in my old home....it was just that kind of day.

And everyone ended up wearing my frustration/boredom/stress...I'm sorry family, and I know you shouldn't follow a "sorry" with a "but", but I'm going to, because there are 5 people in this family, and 5 pairs of hands make the job sooo much more pleasant than 1.  Still, everyone had excuses, however The Husband's excuse of just trying to put food on the table is the only one that I accept.  Minecraft, Lego, playing with sticks and sitting looking into space doesn't count - get into a box and get busy!

It didn't help that I'm a bit swamped with unwritten stories and my marathon is only 11 10 days away, and I know my sports nutrition lady did not have strawberry liquorice on the list of suitable lunch foods. So internal stress levels are nudging towards 'danger".

However that was yesterday.

And what I've discovered about our new home is that every day literally dawns with a perfect daily sun rise.  And yes, there are boxes, and the house is a hideous creamy yellow colour and I'm running a marathon in 10 91/2 days, but what's not to feel thankful for when each day starts like this.

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