Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Work Stuff

I haven't really been chatting much about what I've been doing with the business - I'm kind of in a space where I am trying to do exactly what my project manager asks of me, which has involved calling charities, filling in templates and getting moving again on the copy. It's taking a lot longer than she thought, but I'm not that suprised, I simply haven't got as many "working" hours - ie productive time where I can produce good stuff, as I need. And so it will be.

We will get there.

We have to because we've already paid for it. I'm just at the start of the slog, and really need to knuckle down and do some stuff. It may be a tad boring so I won't labour on too much in my blog. Just so you know that behind all the chit chatty stuff, I'm actually still "working" in my own way. Exciting stuff is though that my website is starting to look good, I've had awesome responses from the few charities I've started to deal with. I've asked my wonderful friend Caroline for some help on a piece of the website, although the pay is shite (ie non-existant). And lovely Flora is on her second day working for me, and we might try and make it work.

In saying that I took an evening off last night and went to my friend Cindy's house for a chick flick - she had popcorn, tissues, licorice allsorts (which I love almost as much as jersey caramels) and lots of pillows, blankets and sauvignon blanc - the perfect combination for a rainy night in. Now that's more fun than writing copy.

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