Monday, September 22, 2008


My contact from that government hub thingee I'm on has just sent a group of us a networking e-mail - "One of the roles that the Hub is trying to take on is to connect up people working on initiatives in the same kind of space. You are both currently working on online giving portals of one kind or another. From what I understand they may have a different focus/audience, so you may find ways to leverage off each other. We know that people come to giving in different ways, and it is useful to have different entry points.".
Alarm Bells!!!!
Did a quick look at the site she was referring to and from the scant info it looks like mine, similar launch date and basically slap bang in my space.
I did a nice e-mail to the contact woman. "...see where, if any, overlaps we have and any potential for working in tandem etc as we both move forward. We are a nonprofit site, basically trying to do a little good and provide another platform for giving in NZ. The way I see it, the more options NZ’ers have to give, the better!..." Will wait to hear if any contact from her.
In the mean time - dang!!!!!

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