Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thanks Kate

Ok, ok, it's been long enough. Time to get moving again. Time to catch up. Time to start. I know it's been forever, and maybe I've lost a few of you while on my summer "holiday" but I haven't felt inspired, witty or even slightly interesting. A quick kick up the bum from a friend does wonders to get over myself. So hi y'all. I'm back.

I think I'll post a few quickies to catch up a bit - I've had a nice old December and January and have bits and bobs to share. I think last year I posted some goals for myself, I'm not going to try and find them coz I know I only achieved a few, but 2009, I'm going to keep it simple. Just 3 goals.

1 Launch this bloody website for goodness sake. YES I CAN. Just where it is going to happen is a bit of an unknown - NZ vs Aus...hmmmm

2. Write

3. Maybe earn some cash - just in case The Husband is one of my remaining readers.

There you go. Nice and simple.

I'm also going to walk 100kms for charity over a couple of days, educate, nurture and inspire my boys (and myself). And continue to stay on my diet coke absitnence wagon. 3 weeks and 3 days. I'm also keen to encourage a greater two way relationship with you guys. I know I'm not the only one with a yarn or two to share.

But for the moment...I'm going to get my wee Rafe to school for the first time tomorrow with the minimum of tears from both of us. That's a big enough achievement by itself.

Come back and visit soon. I promise I'm back. And thanks for waiting. Hope you're all happy and healthy!

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