Sunday, February 10, 2008

But Before I Get Back Into It a fever pitch to reduce costs against my non-existent income, I have cut back my cleaner from weekly to fortnightly. I'm extremely lucky and grateful to have one at all, and needed one on a weekly basis for a bit as I had worked out that there was a direct correlation between clean house/happy me. Thankfully I'm not in that space anymore, and figured a bit of mess and grime never did anyone any harm.

Problem is I have 4 boys in the family who use the toilet- one still in nappies, one very adept at using the loo coz he's been doing it for almost 40 years and two beginners. So after a week, my toilets smell like old mens toilets with lots of leakage and mishaps.

I'm seriously considering teaching them to sit down.

For any "old men" out there, this is not intended as an insult, just a totally gross generalisation.

Smith is yelling out at me, so looks like that's it for me until tonight. He is so cute now that he is a big boy of two. I said to him today "I love you Smith" and he said..."I love you Mum" . Nice.

Very small, overpriced but eco-footprint friendly babydoll that he got for his birthday from e-bay was promptly ignored until getting a dunking in the old-man-smelly loo last night. Poor bubba.

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