Monday, April 29, 2013

One Word

At the start of the year my clever friend Kelly from the fabulous  A Life Less Frantic  wrote this, an idea fondly borrowed from the equally lovely blog maxabellaloves - there's two blogs to check out if you're after some good reading and good writing!  The idea is all about finding a "word" that will define your year, that will be your mantra, your goal.  Now I loved this, and commented quickly and decidedly .....

Ummm, finding my word is harder for me, and I’ve chewed it over a bit. I have many goals this year, and they need focus and productivity, and energy. If I get all floppy and spend too much time faffing, I’ll never get there. So, I’m going to set myself the goal of trying to be all of these without losing the essence of what makes me tick. Which is a bit of floppiness and a lot of faff. So my word is focus – on my goals, on my tasks, on the opportunities and potential.

Well that was well and good in JANUARY, but we're now in almost May, as in 5 months into the year, not 5 days, and truth be told I'm not nailing my own brief.  Fact is, there is waaaay too much faff and far too much floppiness.  So much in fact that there isn't enough room for focus and productivity.  Ok, it's not as dire as it seems, I've had stories and more stories and corporate writing, and pitches and my pipeline is full of ideas and spec stories.  My year is definitely more focused and productive than the last.  But truth is, I'm not operating at full speed.  I'm not finding moments to sneak out a quick pitch, or jot down an online story idea.  I'm lazing in bed watching the sun rise rather than rising before it.  I'm heading to my big white bed and my book and my husband at night rather than not.  This is my choice. But with every choice comes a cost, and my cost is my productivity.  And that's not a choice I agreed to  make at the start of my year.
So I'm going to find more moments, more opportunities, I'm switching up a gear.

And I'm changing my word.

My new word is now "productivity".  And this time, I'm not opening the door for fluff or flop.

What's your word for this year?  And are you living it, or only a little bit like me?


  1. I think my word would have to be 'persevere'. I'm wonderful at giving up when the goal is in sight... Not this year though :)

    1. Nope, not this year Kate. And write that one on your arm in black texta for when you run your marathon.

  2. My word is 'happy' - haven't been for a while so this year is about getting back to a place where I actually enjoy the moment I am in, the place I am in and whatever it is I am doing at the time, with whoever is with me at the time.
    Grateful, content, appreciative....they are other words that also work but I like happy :)

    1. I think half the battle is recognising what you need. And then the other half is getting there. Check in with yourself like I have (even if it is 5 months too late) - are you living your word? Thanks for stopping by Shelley

  3. My word is 'happy' - happy to be where I am, to be who I am, to enjoy doing what I'm doing and who I'm with at the time - 'grateful', 'content', 'appreciative' could also work but I like 'happy' :)

  4. That quote is hilarious. My year is also about productivity - getting focused and on top of things. So far I have made progress, but it's been hard work, with help from coaches and everything!

    1. I love that quote too - I think it's the "...laugh and laugh.." bit I like best. Yep, coaches... I have a mentoring session lined up. And for me turning off Facebook and Twitter, and setting myself some time goals helps. Focus, being organised, being a little "fierce" and shutting out the distracting visual and noise pollution all make for a more productive me. Good luck - love your work!
